Written by: Liz Bayer
No one can prepare you for what it’s like to be a parent until you become a parent. We see our
family and friends appear to handle parenting like a champion. Maybe we help with our nieces
and nephews and spend time around children so we think we know exactly how it will go. We
envision our lives as parents. We imagine how perfect our nursery will look. We hear stories of
other people struggling and say, “That will never be me!” Until we become a parent…
While it’s known that there will be sleepless nights no one prepares you for what it will feel like
when sleep deprivation hits. No one tells you that not everyone will fall in love with their child the
minute they meet them. No one prepares you that there may be times you don’t feel happy, and
there may be times when you feel downright miserable. No one tells you that all of this is a
normal part of adjusting to parenthood.
It is estimated that 1 in 5 pregnant or postpartum women will experience a PMAD. PMAD stands
for perinatal mood and anxiety disorder. Symptoms of postpartum depression can include loss
of interest in activities normally found enjoyable, loss of energy, lack of motivation, and
difficulties sleeping and eating. Postpartum anxiety symptoms include racing heart rate, difficulty
breathing, sweating, frequent worrying, and overthinking about the worst case scenario coming
to be.
PMADs can affect your quality of life and make the adjustment to parenthood difficult.
If you suspect you are struggling with a PMAD, know that you are not alone. Talk to your
healthcare provider about your concerns. Many are trained in how to screen for PMADs and can
recommend treatment that can help. It is important to seek treatment so you can work on getting
back to your old self, and become the best parent you can be.
Counseling can be a great resource to work on coping skills to manage your stressors, along
with helping to normalize your challenges. Nature’s Playhouse in Ferndale specializes in
treating PMADs. This includes individual counseling along with free support groups. Postpartum
Support International also has a free support line that can connect you to resources in your
community along with many virtual community support groups.
When adjusting to parenthood, know that you are enough. Help is available and can make a
difference. Don’t feel ashamed to seek support with the challenges adjusting to parenthood. It
takes a village to raise a family and there are many resources in our community that can help.
You are not alone in your struggles.
Postpartum Support International: 1-800-944-4773
Nature’s Playhouse: 248-955-3219